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SMT topics in focus


SMT topics in focus

ASMPT at NEPCON China 2024 from April 24 to 26


Integrative manufacturing concepts demonstrated in action

From April 24 to 26, technology and market leader ASMPT will present its software and hardware innovations at the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center. The main focus will be on the company’s data-driven, integrative intelligent factory approach as well as new placement technologies for advanced packaging applications.

In 2024, ASMPT will once again be at the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Centre at NEPCON China, the renowned trade fair for electronics manufacturing and coating technologies, with its own booth (1F60).

“Integration is one of the most important trends in electronics manufacturing today. This applies both to the way data is used and to the production of SiP modules,” explains Eric Zhao, Senior Manager Regional Marketing, Greater China at ASMPT SMT. “With our holistic, software-based intelligent factory concept and our universal placement platforms we offer electronics manufacturers precisely the combination of hardware and software solutions they need to operate successfully in the rapidly growing markets for advanced packaging applications.”

Greater ROI through integration

The intelligent factory concept developed by ASMPT relies on the integrative use of data across multiple production lines via standardized interfaces such as IPC-2591 CFX – an approach that allows data from ASMPT equipment and third-party systems to be combined and used for deeper analysis and optimization. It optimizes processes, minimizes errors, improves material flows and deploys employees based on their qualifications in a highly effective manner – all while never losing sight of maximizing the return on investment.

SMDs and dies on the same line

“Modern SiP production brings two areas together that used to be strictly separate,” adds Eric. Integrated modules can now process both SMDs and dies, which is why modern placement machines must be able to handle both component types and do so with a level of accuracy and speed that can keep up with modern high-speed SMT lines.” Industry professionals can experience what this looks like at the ASMPT booth, where two new and highly innovative placement machines will be demonstrated in action:


Thanks to its individually adjustable placement forces and maximum accuracy, the latest generation of the SIPLACE TX micron processes sensitive dies with the same speed and reliability as SMDs. The high-resolution cameras for internal quality control have also been adapted to accommodate the expanded range of components.


ASMPT goes one step further with the SIPLACE CA2 placement machine, which will also be prominently featured at the company’s booth. By being able to take dies directly from a pre-separated wafer, it eliminates a complete process step because dies no longer need to be taped. The SIPLACE CA2 can process 50 different wafers with a changeover time of only 10 seconds. The elimination of taping saves not only time and money, it also makes electronics manufacturing more sustainable by reducing the amount of tape waste.

“Particularly in advanced packaging applications, the SIPLACE CA2 opens up new sales opportunities for electronics manufacturers – as long as they invest in the right equipment early enough,” says Eric. “This is where highly flexible hybrid placement machines like the SIPLACE CA2 are the right choice because they often pay for themselves in as little as one year. The SIPLACE CA2 and SIPLACE TX micron are the ideal combination for a modern SMT line because they complement each other in terms of performance and flexibility.”

Holistic, data-driven, connected

Eric sees electronics manufacturing more than ever as an integrated whole: “Companies that implement the intelligent factory principle consistently will quickly realize that they can get more out of their existing manufacturing equipment with this holistic, data-driven strategy: more productivity, better quality, and greater yields.” Interested visitors can find out what this looks like in practice from the ASMPT experts at the company's booth. In live demonstrations, they can see how ASMPT’s hardware and software interact, how isolated structures come together to form an integrated whole, and how the intelligent factory becomes reality step by step.

Best-in-class solutions

As the industry’s technology leader, ASMPT offers a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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